Friday, October 17, 2014

Our time at Montigny

I absolutely love these pictures of William and I.  We were just lying in the grass under some trees, with pleasant, mellow warm weather on a beautiful day.  I LOVED IT!!!!!!!  It's like I'd waited my whole life just to experience moments that felt that glad to be William's mommy!
Here's William with his French Auntie, Ninon.  He looks so much like her, and she loves him so much.  She is such a precious, dear person.  I'm glad whenever they get the chance to bond, unfortunately it is all too rare living thousands of miles apart...
Here's my beautiful guys, just taking it easy at the lovely place that is Montigny-sur-Loing.
Here's William bonding with all his sweet lil French Cousins, even Gabby, Le Chien!!!!
And here is where we had to say farewell to our beloved Auntie Martine.  I dearly love this woman, she has such a heart of gold and has been so good to us in so many ways.  I am sad that we see her so rarely as we live so far away.

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